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About Chell


First of all I am NOT a professional photographer, in that I havent attended a professional education in photography. I do however get my training from a few of the greats in this field, who sometimes accompany me on shoots for teaching purposes.
In the past Ive been something of an conceptualist for photographers who have superb skills, but trouble turning their ideas in visions and visions in scenes. Theyve always pressed I should pick up a camera myself, because I have a great feel for the artistic side of photography.  When one of them send me a camera anonymously (I still dont know who it was) I finally started working out my own concepts for myself and I became addicted.

I´m more experienced in portrets and studiowork. I like it up close and personal, but I also love being the voyeur with the camera at parties and festivals. Portrets is where my strenght lies though. IM not looking for the pretty picture, im looking for the person behind the image. I tend to go for the dramatic and more artistic effects with the use of lights and angles.


AS we speak I´m developing a new photographic concept for indoor and outdoor festivals with the use of specially developed software and multimedia. I´m looking for sponsors and networking companies and people.

If you would like me to take pictures at your event, sent me a message :)

(Ik spreek ook gewoon nederlands)


All photos on this site are mine, you or a company is not allowed to use those photos in any online or offline medium without my express permission. and/or reference to my person.

If you do anyway, I will make it my bussiness to give 100% of my time to get midevil on your ass and sack, burn and pillage your entire universe.

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